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Little Monster Late Fees

Last week, I paid a late fee to daycare.   I neverpay daycare late.

little monsters
Image by sekundo via Flickr

Except last week.

As I’ve said before, I work 80 hours a week.

For the last couple of weeks, my three year old has decided that she needs to sleep in every morning.   No getting up at 6:30 for her.  No way.  That little prima donna wants to lounge in bed until 8, then watch a movie while eating breakfast in bed.   She’s never gotten that treatment, so I don’t know why it’s become her goal.

Last week, she decided to throw a tantrum when I woke her up.

Followed by a tantrum when I reminded her she doesn’t get to wear diapers during the day.

Followed by a tantrum when I dared to pick out clothes that didn’t have horses, or didn’t look right, or weren’t sweats, or weren’t picked out by Mom, or this, or that or….

I’ve been the one to get her ready almost every morning for 3 years and she has never been catered to that way.

Me: overtired, with 1000 things  on my mind.

Her: diva training, trying to wake up.

Her sister: teasing, asking questions, and generally doing her best to stand under my feet.

Her brother: gets himself ready, but tries to avoid combing his hair before school, and can’t be relied on to put on clean clothes.

Me: overtired.  Juggling getting three kids and myself ready to leave.  1000 things on my mind.

Daycare: What check?

She finally got paid on Thursday.    Over the 12 years we’ve had kids there, we’ve paid late maybe 5 times.   I hate late fees.

What’s the fix?

Checklists don’t work for me, when I’m rushing around.  I tend to ignore them while I’m herding children.

Selling the monsters to the gypsies is out.   They are far too difficult to succeed working in the salt mines.

We need to start picking out clothes the night before, to short-circuit most of the tantrum.  We also need to enforce bedtimes better, but that’s hard to do Sunday night if they are allowed to nap too long on  Sunday afternoon, which happens when I nap with my kids on Sunday afternoon.

Maybe the best solution is to switch schedules with my wife.  I’ll go in to work between 6 and 7.  She can herd monsters while trying to get ready for work.

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