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What I’ve been up to….

Posting has been scarce lately.

But there’s a reason.

This morning, I released a bit of software for sale and I’ve got more coming in the next couple of weeks.

What does the software do?

It’s a WordPress plugin that let’s you bulk upload & schedule Word documents as posts.  You can upload 50 Word docs and get 50 posts scheduled to run once a week.  It takes about 10 minutes to make that happen.  It handles the category, author, and posting time for you.


I build niche sites.   When I do, I usually hire out most of the writing.  It’s a pain in the butt to get handed 50 or a 100 articles to convert, post, and schedule.  So I solved that problem.

It’s called Word Poster.  You can get the details here.   I figure that this thing saves me at least an hour of work for every 10 articles I buy.

At $27, that pays for itself in an hour or two.


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