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What I’ve been up to….

Posting has been scarce lately.

But there’s a reason.

This morning, I released a bit of software for sale and I’ve got more coming in the next couple of weeks.

What does the software do?

It’s a WordPress plugin that let’s you bulk upload & schedule Word documents as posts.  You can upload 50 Word docs and get 50 posts scheduled to run once a week.  It takes about 10 minutes to make that happen.  It handles the category, author, and posting time for you.


I build niche sites.   When I do, I usually hire out most of the writing.  It’s a pain in the butt to get handed 50 or a 100 articles to convert, post, and schedule.  So I solved that problem.

It’s called Word Poster.  You can get the details here.   I figure that this thing saves me at least an hour of work for every 10 articles I buy.

At $27, that pays for itself in an hour or two.


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20 Happy Thoughts

Since I’ve been on a bit of a death theme lately, I thought I post something purely happy.

Here it is.  In no particular order, twenty unequivocated things that make me happy.

  1. My three year old has the most beautiful blue/silver/gray eyes I have ever seen.
  2. In the past 32 months, I’ve reduced my total debt load by $42,859.70.  That’s an average reduction of $1,339.37 per month.
  3. My insane work schedule is paying off.  I’m more than halfway to making my day job’s income redundant.
  4. My preteen son is currently showing none of the signs of the horrible rebellion that I put my parents through.
  5. The world hasn’t imploded, exploded, or tilted its axis recently.
  6. My parents did a good job of raising me.
  7. I haven’t touched my overdraft line of credit in more than 2 years.
  8. My wife loves me.
  9. I love her.
  10. Wrestling season starts tomorrow, and Punk ended last season with real promise.
  11. I’ve dropped 12 pounds in the last 16 days.
  12. Bacon is good.
  13. Daughter #1 is starting kindergarten in September and excited about it.
  14. Our cars are paid off.
  15. This site helps me stay motivated to eliminate my debt.
  16. You rock.
  17. I may get out of debt just before the world ends.
  18. The Yakezie Network has helped get this blog to where it is.  If you’ve got a finance blog, join today.  You won’t regret it.
  19. FINCON 2012 is is Denver and I won’t be napping on my motorcycle on the way there, like I did the last time I went to Denver.  It’s not something I recommend, but it makes a neat story.
  20. I have 20 things to be happy about.   That’s a recursive happy-maker right there.



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Orthodontics (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Monday, I brought Punk #1 to the orthodontist.  He’s got an underbite and some crooked teeth, but I didn’t realize how off it was until I saw the pictures they took.   Some of the closeups could be inspiration for a Halloween mask.

It look like he started with a small underbite that made his teeth line up wrong, which–as they grew–accentuate the wrong.   Now, it’s very, very wrong.

Next week he goes in to get his top teeth done.

At a cost of $5800.

If we pay up-front, they’ll knock 5% off, bringing it down to $5500.  That covers everything, all of the follow-ups, broken hardware, every stage the whole way through.  If we pay monthly, it will be $1450 down and $200 per month (interest free) for almost 2 years.

Almost six grand.

Fortunately, we knew this was coming, so we’ve been saving for this for a few years.

Unfortunately, we’ve only been saving $50-100 a month.  We can’t wait much longer.  With an underbite, you have more options if you do the work before the kid is done growing.  I’d really like to avoid jaw surgery for him, so we have to make things happen.

Our braces account has $3100 in it.   My HSA account has $875.  That’s from my last job, so that’s as big as it gets.  That leaves us almost exactly $1500 short.

I hate the idea of touching our emergency fund, although it does have enough money in it.

We’ve also got some money tucked away in an account leftover from my mother-in-law dying last year.   I think that’s where we’re going to come up with the difference.

How else could we save money?

We could shop around, but this isn’t something I want to give to the lowest bidder.  I want to do it right, and I know several people who have had braces put on by this office, either by this orthodontist or her father.

I asked about a cash discount and got turned down.

That’s it.  Next week, I burn $5500.  Hope the kid eventually appreciates it.

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Sunday Roundup: Diet Redux

Emergency "Twitter was down so I wrote my...
Image via Wikipedia

I had total diet fail last month.

From April to May, across 4 consecutive weekends, I put a bit over 1500 miles on my car on 4 separate trips.  That is something like 10 times my average mileage.

That’s a lot of driving, squeezed around a regular schedule of work.   Have you ever tried a drive through for low-carb food?   Because of that, and the circumstances of some of my trips, I abandoned my diet on those weekends.   Funeral food is rarely low-carb.

By the time those trips were over, I had spent so much time off my diet that “What’s one more sandwich?” became an easy justification.  There is a reason I don’t break the rules I give myself.  I can’t seem to cheat just once.  Once I cross that line, it’s over.

So, instead of cheating on my diet and feeling guilty, I officially dropped it for most of the month of May.  I decided it would be easier to get it out of my system than to continue worrying about it.

May’s over, and I’m back on the Slow Carb diet.  My little fail cost me 7 pounds and 6.5 total inches(waist , hips, biceps, and thighs).  I’m reasonably sure that most of that is water and will evaporate before next weekend.

Best Posts

My goal is to live my life so that I have no regrets at the end of it.  That means pursuing my dreams and doing the things I love.

It’s easier to do the things I love when my life isn’t weighed down by the crap I don’t need.

Sweating the Big Stuff wrote a killer post on saving money simply by asking.  Often, the easy things work.

Carnivals I’ve Rocked and Guest Posts I’ve Rolled

Shopping Online: The Money-Saving Secret was included in the Festival of Frugality.

Money Problems: Paying Off Debt was included in the Carnival of Personal Finance.

5 Ways to Help Your Friends Stay Out of Debt was included in the Totally Money Blog Carnival.

Should Pupils Focus on Personal Finance was included in the Yakezie Carnival.


Thank you! If I missed anyone, please let me know.

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Have a great week!


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