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Link Roundup

In an effort to make sure that both of my readers can’t possibly miss the things I think are important, I’m going to start doing a weekly roundup of the best of the internet.   Judged solely, and arbitrarily, by me.

On topic:

These, naturally, are the posts that fit the theme of this site.

How To Check Your Federal IRS Tax Refund Status. When I checked a couple of days ago, they were about 2 weeks out.

TurboTax has screwed up the property tax refund form for Minnesota.  Thankfully, I haven’t filed this, yet, but I did verify the problem.

Where do you want to be in 5 years? Start taking those steps, now, or you will never get there.   Find something, no matter how small, and do it.

Deficit Neutrality doesn’t count, if a massive initial purchase is offset by future intentions to cut spending.

Off topic:

This is just some of the random crap I think is worth sharing.

If you’re going to argue on the internet, make sure you have your sources right. Primary sources are better than secondary.

Bring back dueling to ensure good manners.

Here’s a guide to saving water-damaged books.

I am a shameless geek and reformed DnD player, so this room was exciting to see.



Orthodontics (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Monday, I brought Punk #1 to the orthodontist.  He’s got an underbite and some crooked teeth, but I didn’t realize how off it was until I saw the pictures they took.   Some of the closeups could be inspiration for a Halloween mask.

It look like he started with a small underbite that made his teeth line up wrong, which–as they grew–accentuate the wrong.   Now, it’s very, very wrong.

Next week he goes in to get his top teeth done.

At a cost of $5800.

If we pay up-front, they’ll knock 5% off, bringing it down to $5500.  That covers everything, all of the follow-ups, broken hardware, every stage the whole way through.  If we pay monthly, it will be $1450 down and $200 per month (interest free) for almost 2 years.

Almost six grand.

Fortunately, we knew this was coming, so we’ve been saving for this for a few years.

Unfortunately, we’ve only been saving $50-100 a month.  We can’t wait much longer.  With an underbite, you have more options if you do the work before the kid is done growing.  I’d really like to avoid jaw surgery for him, so we have to make things happen.

Our braces account has $3100 in it.   My HSA account has $875.  That’s from my last job, so that’s as big as it gets.  That leaves us almost exactly $1500 short.

I hate the idea of touching our emergency fund, although it does have enough money in it.

We’ve also got some money tucked away in an account leftover from my mother-in-law dying last year.   I think that’s where we’re going to come up with the difference.

How else could we save money?

We could shop around, but this isn’t something I want to give to the lowest bidder.  I want to do it right, and I know several people who have had braces put on by this office, either by this orthodontist or her father.

I asked about a cash discount and got turned down.

That’s it.  Next week, I burn $5500.  Hope the kid eventually appreciates it.

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The Proper Amount of Clothes to Own

I own a dresser full of clothes, plus about a dozen button-down shirts, and 1 suit.  On top of that, I own two pairs of winter boots, 2 pairs of everyday black boots, 1 pair of sneakers, and my beloved Vibram 5 Fingers.

I do not own 60 rubbermaid containers full of clothes.

Unfortunately, my mother-in-law did.

This picture is of rubbermaid containers stacked 4x5x3, with around 20 garbage bags full of clothes, hangers, and shoes thrown on top.   And a little girl who was asked to pose to provide scale, but decided to run around the pile instead.

We’ve got about 50 bags of garbage waiting for the dumpster to get delivered, and a garage full of enough stuff to hide two cars.

This is how I’ve been spending my weekends.   Hopefully, by the end of the coming weekend, we can get a contractor in the house to discuss fixing it up as a rental unit.


Hoarding is a serious problem.  As we go through the house and her collected papers, I’m realizing how little I let my mother-in-law’s mental state play into my interactions with her.   We had a rough relationship, and I’m only now starting to realize some of the foundations of that.  I doubt we would have gotten along, but there would have been less stress if I had been more forgiving.


Until you can get in someone’s head, try to keep forgiveness and compassion in your interactions(barring outright evil).   You may be surprised at how your relations unfold.