If you don’t know why you are hear, please read about the 21 Day Happiness Training Challenge.
Giving Up The Magic
It’s a sad day when kids stop believing in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, and fairies.
Not because I enjoy lying to my kids, but because–on the day they stop believing–a piece of their innocence is lost. An unforgettable, valuable part of childhood dies.
Believing in magic is a beautiful thing.
Do you remember the last time you looked around the world with a sense of wonder? When seeing a puppy form in the clouds was a miracle? When the idea of an ant carrying 1000 times its own weight was something worth watching? When the impossible goodness of a fat man squeezing down your chimney fills you with hope instead of making you call 911?
Do I believe in Santa?
Of course not, but I believe the concept of Santa is worthy of my children’s belief. I don’t want them to lose that innocence and wonder.
When my teenager was young, he asked if Santa was real. I responded by asking what he thought. When he told me he didn’t believe, I offered to let Santa know. His panic told me he wasn’t ready to give up the magic.
The day that conversation didn’t cause a panic, he looked hurt, like he’d lost something precious. He had.
His world of magic was gone.
The he asked why I had spent his lifetime lying to him. I told him the truth. I said I couldn’t bear to be the one to shatter his belief in magic before he was ready.
Then, I informed him that he was in on the conspiracy. He was not allowed to ruin it for anyone else. Not his sisters, not his friends.
That Christmas, my little boy helped me stuff stockings, which was an odd feeling.
The magic was over, but we still got to share the magic of his cousins and sisters.
3 Simple Ways Keeping Your Spending Organized
On of the biggest problems we had with controlling our finances was knowing where the money went. Have you ever said “Honey, do you realize we spent $900 eating out this month?” I have. The amount we spent on some categories was mind-blowing. Maybe some people don’t see $900 at restaurants, $400 on clothes, or $300 on books and movies as a problem, but I do and it was ridiculous! We’ve dialed back hard on the unnecessary spending and the first step was to understand our spending habits. That was a painful self-examination.
Here’s what we did:
- Have a Budget. This is quite simply the most basic step in organizing your finances. If you don’t have a budget, you don’t have a plan for where your money will go. Without a plan, your money goes on about its business without consulting you. Your money does not like you. It will do its level best to get as far away from you as fast as possible. A good budget is like shackles for your cash. Never underestimate the value of a good pair of shackles.
- Use a Spending Journal. Before we went cash-only, I was a no-cash spender. Every purchase was with my debit card and every receipt went into my wallet. That’s a disorganized, but effective spending journal. When it was time to balance the checkbook, I could look through my receipts and no exactly where the money went. It was nice to have a chance to wave good-bye and send it a postcard as it ran away from home. Other people use a small notebook or even–for the truly cutting-edge–the register that comes in a box of checks. Whatever system you choose, make sure you use it. If you don’t know where your money has gone in the past, how can you plan for the future?
- Use a Ledger. Most people call this the checkbook register. I use Quicken. About once per month, I sit down with any receipts we’ve generated and the list of transactions on the bank website and I balance the checkbook. I note everything we’ve spent, flag everything that has cleared the bank, and make sure all of the numbers match. This gives me a chance to review everything we’ve had incoming and outgoing and address any abnormalities while there is still a chance to get the bank to address problems.
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How do you track your spending?
Update: This post has been included in the Carnival of Personal Finance.
Saturday Roundup
First, the shameless self-promotion:
If you want to see the glorious wisdom that is my Twitter feed, follow me on Twitter. I’m @LiveRealNow.
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Next, for the part you’re here for…
The Cute War.
Budgeting In the Fun Stuff guest-posted here a few days ago. The post was about her dog. Nicole asserted that her kittens were cuter than BFS’s pug. There is some personal risk involved for me, but my pets are cuter. The proof:
The Best Posts of the Week:
Frugal Dad discusses What to Do When Your Beneficiaries are Minors. We settled this by not making our minor children the beneficiaries. If we both leap off the mortal coil at once, my Dad gets the money. I trust him to take care of my kids with it. No, Dad, you can not work on my brakes.
Marko found a fascinating photo series of WWII war photos overlaying modern pictures of the same location. It’s kind of creepy in places.
My favorite dinosaur has a child has been reclassified as a child itself, not an actual dinosaur. That makes youthful me very sad.
Finally, a list of the carnivals I’ve participated in:
Both the Carnival of Personal Finance and the Yakezie Carnival included Selling Your Home: For Sale by Owner.
The Festival of Frugality has It’s Better to Buy a House than Rent.
If I missed a carnival, please let me know.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-17
- RT @mymoneyshrugged: The government breaks your leg, and hands you a crutch saying "see without me, you couldn't walk." #
- @bargainr What weeks do you need a FoF host for? in reply to bargainr #
- Awesome tagline: The coolest you'll look pooping your pants. Yay, @Huggies! #
- A textbook is not the real world. Not all business management professors understand marketing. #
- RT @thegoodhuman: Walden on work "spending best part of one's life earning money in order to enjoy (cont) http://tl.gd/2gugo6 #