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5 Ways to Change the World for the Better

a cat and a Litter box
Image via Wikipedia

We are all stuck on the same planet with each other.   There is nothing any of us are going to do to get the option of leaving for long.  Do you want to live in a miserable, run-down world, or one that’s happy and filled with kittens and ice cream?

The kind of world you live in is more a function of your state of mind than the place you live, the job you have, or the person you married.   Here are a few ways to improve that state of mind.

1.  Be kind. Smile at a teller.  Let someone merge in front of you in traffic.  Drop a dollar in a homeless man’s jar.    Have you ever had a lousy day make a total turnaround because of some inconsequential bit of yay?  Doing some small act of kindness can make a world of difference in someone’s day.  Next time you’re in the drive-through at Caribou, buy coffee for the person behind you.  That random bit of love will put a smile on both your faces.

2.  Be positive. Don’t complain.   So many of us live in a negative world, watching the world go buy through coffin-colored glasses.  Have you ever considered going an entire day without making a negative comment?  A week?  A month?   Some of you are shaking your heads right now, thinking it’s impossible.  Have you thought about how much happier you would be if you banned the negative crap in your life?

3.  Be a good neighbor. We’ve all had the same problems: a neighbor that plays music too loud, too late; the jerk across the street who yells at you for park on the street in front of his house; the guy who’s too busy to mow his lawn; or the crazy cat lady who makes the entire neighborhood smell like a litter box.  Don’t be that guy.    I’ve had 90% of my neighbors for more than 5 years.   If we don’t make accommodations for the people we have to deal with every day, we’re going to be miserable.

4.  Learn something new. If you feel good about yourself, you feel better about the world.  If you feel better about the world, you’re more likely to do things to improve it.   One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to improve yourself.   Take a class, read a book, or find a mentor to teach you.  The method doesn’t matter, just do something to learn something you’re interested in.

What are you doing to make your world better?


I am a husband, father of three, and a software engineer and I think  I am going through a mid-life crisis*.  I woke up one morning and took stock of my life. There are quite a few things I am not happy with in my life. It’s time to correct that.

We have too much debt. My wife and I have gone through a slow financial meltdown over the last ten years. We spent so much time living beyond our means that, now that we are earning a comfortable salary, we can’t afford to do the things we did on half this income. Our lives are upside down. This is going to change. As a start, I’ve been slashing expenses and selling my toys in an effort to get out of debt.

We have too much stuff. I’ve been downsizing and simplifying everything we own. I have thrown out truckloads of stuff we don’t need or can do without. We recently moved a close friend into our spare bedroom. Making room for him was a chore, due to our excess crap. It’s gotta go. If we don’t know what we have, we don’t need it.

I’m out of shape. I used to be in great shape. Ten years of surburbia and desk jobs has changed that. I’ve started running and will get back in shape. I intend to live long enough to be a happy burden to my children.

I don’t spend enough time with my wife. I’m still completely in love, but we need to be closer. I’m in this for the long haul. Fifty years of watching TV isn’t good enough.  We need to be close.

Those are my problems and some hints towards my plans to correct my life. There is nothing I’ve earned that I regret, but definitely some things I want to improve. In short, I want to be the man my children think I am.

Please join me for the ride.

*If this is mid-life, I’ve made some very bad life choices.


I am a husband, father of three, and a software engineer and I think  I am going through a mid-life crisis*.  I woke up one morning and took stock of my life. There are quite a few things I am not happy with in my life. It’s time to correct that.

We have too much debt. My wife and I have gone through a slow financial meltdown over the last ten years. We spent so much time living beyond our means that, now that we are earning a comfortable salary, we can’t afford to do the things we did on half this income. Our lives are upside down. This is going to change. As a start, I’ve been slashing expenses and selling my toys in an effort to get out of debt.

We have too much stuff. I’ve been downsizing and simplifying everything we own. I have thrown out truckloads of stuff we don’t need or can do without. We recently moved a close friend into our spare bedroom. Making room for him was a chore, due to our excess crap. It’s gotta go. If we don’t know what we have, we don’t need it.

I’m out of shape. I used to be in great shape. Ten years of surburbia and desk jobs has changed that. I’ve started running and will get back in shape. I intend to live long enough to be a happy burden to my children.

I don’t spend enough time with my wife. I’m still completely in love, but we need to be closer. I’m in this for the long haul. Fifty years of watching TV isn’t good enough.  We need to be close.

Those are my problems and some hints towards my plans to correct my life. There is nothing I’ve earned that I regret, but definitely some things I want to improve. In short, I want to be the man my children think I am. I have three wonderful children, and I want our lives to be as perfect as possible.

Please, join me for the ride, starting December first.

*If this is mid-life, I’ve made some very bad life choices.