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Saturday Roundup – Happy New Year!

This week, my daycare provider has taken off to have surgery.   That means I have 10 days off in a row.  I haven’t done that since I was laid off at my last job, four years ago.  I’m really looking forward to the time with my brats.

Happy New Year!  Here’s hoping 2011 beats the pants off of 2010, no matter how 2010 went for you.

Best Posts

Free From Broke has a monster post with the best personal finance articles of the year.  If you need something to read….

Lifehacker posted about a service that will grade and critique your resume for free.  I’m not looking for a new job, but it looks like a great service.

Have you ever considered the similarities between hookers, doctors, and TSA agents?

Here’s an interesting analysis of the huge stimulus package that was supposed to revive the economy.  With all of the red tape and deadlines involved in getting the stimulus money, only projects that were going to happen anyway and already had permits and approval actually happened.   Private enterprise held off starting projects, hoping to get stimulus funding, only to find out they couldn’t possibly jump through the hoops in time, which is when they lost investors.   Huge fail with nothing accomplished beyond packing a ton of taxpayer money in a fat .gov bong and watching it go up in smoke.

LRN Timewarp

This is where I review the posts I wrote a year ago.

I wrote a post on the dangers of hypocrisy.   It’s a good post to re-read whenever I start feeling judgmental.

I also started my budget series.   Lesson 1 detailed my discretionary budget category.

Finally, I asked what you’ve done to improve your situation.  Every day, you can do something.  It may not be a big thing, but even small steps in the right direction will get you where you need to be.

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That’s all for today.   Have a great weekend!