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Sunday Roundup

Bugatti Veyron
Image via Wikipedia

I just realized that I screwed up on Friday’s post and accidentally scheduled it for July 31 instead of July 1.   Sorry about that.

I am pretty excited about tomorrow’s post.   I’m going to…well, that should wait for tomorrow.   It’ll be fun, though.

Best Posts

It’s a basic economic principle:  If you want to sell less of something, charge more for it.   That works for labor costs, too.  Raising the minimum wage, especially when there is a recession, will only cause less employment.

This is a neat business idea.   Sometimes, a small business wants a mailing address that isn’t the owner’s home address.

Foreign CDs seem tempting.  You can make a decent return in India.   Just make sure it’s a legit bank, instead of the “Cayman Island” banks that exist just to collect wire transfers from the US.

In a high-tax, high-regulation environment, the underground economy will thrive, every time.   Working for cash and no paperwork can be tempting.

Here’s a sample email to help you buy a car.

Carnivals I’ve Rocked and Guest Posts I’ve Rolled

Shattering Taboos was included in the Carnival of Personal Finance.

Thank you! If I missed anyone, please let me know.   I’ve been slacking off on carnival submissions lately.

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Have a great week!

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Saturday Roundup

First, the shameless self-promotion:

If you want to see the glorious wisdom that is my Twitter feed, follow me on Twitter. I’m @LiveRealNow.

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And of course, there is always the wonderful RSS subscription.

Next, for the part you’re here for…

The Cute War.

Budgeting In the Fun Stuff guest-posted here a few days ago.  The post was about her dog.  Nicole asserted that her kittens were cuter than BFS’s pug.    There is some personal risk involved for me, but my pets are cuter.  The proof:

Revoked Man Card
Revoked Man Card

The Best Posts of the Week:

Frugal Dad discusses What to Do When Your Beneficiaries are Minors.  We settled this by not making our minor children the beneficiaries.   If we both leap off the mortal coil at once, my Dad gets the money.   I trust him to take care of my kids with it.   No, Dad, you can not work on my brakes.

Marko found a fascinating photo series of WWII war photos overlaying modern pictures of the same location. It’s kind of creepy in places.

My favorite dinosaur has a child has been reclassified as a child itself, not an actual dinosaur.  That makes youthful me very sad.

Finally, a list of the carnivals I’ve participated in:

Both the Carnival of Personal Finance and the Yakezie Carnival included Selling Your Home: For Sale by Owner.

The Festival of Frugality has It’s Better to Buy a House than Rent.

If I missed a carnival, please let me know.