In our house, the bills don’t get hidden. I’ve never tried to hide our finances from our children. I believe doing that is part of the reason I reached adulthood with no brakes. Growing up, finances were almost entirely invisible. Now, I believe is financial transparency.
Now, as a father, I balance the checkbook and pay bills on the laptop in the living room where my children can see me. They see the stack of bills and they watch me balance the checkbook. We discuss how much things cost and how we can cut expenses while the bills are being paid. Even the toddlers know Daddy is doing something important.
My ten-year-old son knows what sales tax is and where to find it on a receipt. He knows what property taxes are and how much they are in our neighborhood. He knows roughly what percentage of a paycheck gets withheld. I work to make my son financially aware. My girls are too young to understand the concept of money, but they will be receiving a thorough financial education as soon as they are able to grasp the concepts.
The hard part is explaining to my son how we screwed up our finances. I’ve shown him my paycheck and discussed our debt. I have explained to him that we were making much less money when we accumulated our doom debt, while maintaining a higher standard of living. Now, when we go to the store, he doesn’t even ask if he can borrow money until we get to his bank account. He has learned to dislike debt in almost all forms. I’m fairly proud that my kid voluntarily practices delayed gratification.
What he doesn’t quite grasp is the idea of living within your means, even if your means are limited. “But, Dad, what if you don’t have much money? Then you have to borrow money for nice things, right?” I’m not sure how to break him of that. Delayed gratification is an understandable concept for him, but the difference between wants and needs seems to be missing. Any ideas?
I don’t have any good ideas for you, but I must say you’re doing an impressive job of teaching your kids about finance. My father would always hide in his office working on bills. The only thing I’d hear about finance is him yelling at my mother for spending too much.
Teaching kids about living within your means is tough. I think the best way to do this is to have them talk to people who have lived in their means and also people who haven’t. I think it would scare a kid to talk to someone who has a lot of fancy toys and is deep in debt (especially if your kid is already scared of debt!)