I’m sick of working my day job.
I’m sick of working my side hustles.
I’m sick of working.
To make up for all of that, I’m going to launch a new business. My business model is guaranteed to generate $1,000,000 in revenue the first month.
It’s going to be a father/son enterprise, and to prove that the business model scales, I’m going to help him generate another $1,000,000 in revenue the first month.
This plan is infinitely replicable and infinitely scalable. Steal my business plan and you can have a million dollar business, too.
First, my son is going to sell his XBox for $100. Yes, he’s taking a loss, but that’s the cost of getting into the business. Oh, and he’s selling it to me.
$100 for him.
Second, I’m going to sell it back to him for $100.
$100 for me.
He sells it to me for $100.
$200 for him.
I sell it to him for $100.
$200 for me.
If we do this just 9,998 more times, we’ll have generated $1,000,000 in revenue. At 1 minute per transaction, I figure we can both be running million dollar business after just 2 weeks of full-time work.
That’s a two-week vacation every single month.
Phenomenal plan.
Some of the haters are going to explode with comments about “profit” and “expenses”, but I don’t care. Cash flow is king. They can sit at home and whine about their $50,000 jobs while I’m making millions. Sure, my profit (the money leftover after expenses are taken from the revenue) is on the low side, but I can make that up in volume.
If I do this every month, I’ll be sitting on a $12,000,000 business. I bet I can sell that for 5 times my annual profits.
Any buyers out there?
Any entrepreneurs ready to copy my business model?
Anybody have a better grasp of the difference between cash flow and profit than I do?
Ha ha, interesting way to make your point
LOL! Well if this was 1999, you’d probably have a bidding war starting at $12 M. 🙂
I think that the IRS term for this is “check kiting” (sorta) but funny way to make your point!
Give it a funny name, claim it as a social network and the angel investors will be at your door in no time. Or keep the XBox and rent it to your son, lol.
Hilarious – and I am also loving the comments 😀 One thing for sure, I won’t be buying!
Haha awesome way to make the point. I like JP’s idea of converting it into a social network 🙂
That’s how they measure GDP too…move it around and add it up.
Love it! So funny 🙂 I’m gonna steal this idea and make my own millions.
Write a book on it title, “How I created a million dollar cash flow stream and you can too” and you’ll be rich too!!!
Hey, if it works for Groupon, it should work for anyone, right?